Older and Disabled Persons Unit

The mission of the Older and Disabled Persons Unit (ODPU) is to provide support to older adults and persons with disabilities who are victims of a crime or a witness to a crime. The efforts of this unit are focused on strengthening the SAO's relationship with some of the most vulnerable members of the community who may have been deterred in the past from reporting crimes of abuse and financial exploitation. The unit will also provide crime prevention tips and resources for victims of crime who may have physical, cognitive, communication and/or mobility challenges. The unit will act as an additional resource for prosecutors who would like assistance in engaging a victim who is an adult aged 60+ or a victim with disabilities. The ODPU will be supervised under the leadership of Chief Shari E. Greene of the Economic Crimes Unit and will be staffed by Angel White, Program Director. Additionally, the staff of the Economic Crimes Unit will work on ODPU initiatives and programs.

To contact the ODPU - please call our one-stop helpline (844.726.6378) or email odpuhelp@stattorney.org.


SCAM ALERT: Don't Hand Off Case to "Social Security Agents"

Check out photos from the 2nd Annual Older Adult Luncheon: