A Space for Victims and Witnesses

In March of 2018, the BCSAO unveiled a new trauma-informed Victim & Witness Services Waiting Room in the Mitchell Courthouse that was renovated to create a more welcoming space for victims and witnesses of crime to receive services and await their appearances in court. The design plans were created by the nonprofit organization Design Angels of America and was executed by the Department of General Services. The renovation included a dedicated play area for children, power-integrated furniture, and a computer allowing visitors to access resources while they await trial. 

Renovation of the Victim & Witness Services Waiting Room was a component of transforming the Victim & Witness Division into a leading edge constituent service organization. Since 2015, the Victim & Witness Division has doubled in size and has expanded its capacity to deliver court accompaniment and advocacy services to all felony cases. The BCSAO secured a $2.4M grant from the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention through the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) in 2016 to help fund the expansion of the unit and redesign the new space.

For more information regarding the Victim & Witness Services Waiting Room, contact Services & Relocation Coordinator, Robin Haskins at 410-396-1897 or VictimWitness@stattorney.org

Ribbon cutting for the renovated Victim & Witness Services Waiting Room.

Image of the Victim and Witness Waiting Room entrance area before renovation. Image of the Victim and Witness Waiting Room entrance area after renovation.
Image of the Victim and Witness Waiting Room seating area before renovation. Image of the Victim and Witness Waiting Room seating area after renovation.